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Notice of Nondiscrimination

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Notification

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Directory Information Notification

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment Act Notice




Free and Reduced Lunch

It’s not too late to apply for free & reduced-price student meals.  If you are experiencing a loss of income, temporary layoff or any other financial setback your child may be eligible for Free or Reduced School Breakfast & Lunch.  Click here to view the eligibility guidelines and access the application .  It is risk free and confidential.


BCI Information for Volunteers:

RI BCI Information
Volunteer Handbook


Health Forms:

Physical Examination form



Child Outreach - Free Screening

Student Accidental Insurance

CCRI-CHS Enrollment Information






Partners in Education

School Closure Notification


Coventry Schools utilizes the Rhode Island Broadcasters’ Association (RIBA) notification system to report delays, closings and school cancellations.  The notification system is linked to the State’s emergency management system and provides families with notification via all major radio and television stations. The RIBA provides a service to either e-mail or text message alert notices to subscribers. If you wish to be notified by e-mail or text message when there is a closing or delays please sign up.


In addition to the services above, Coventry Public Schools provides phone notification to families regarding school closings and emergencies.  We will use the primary contact phone number on file in our student information system for all calls.  Note:  This could be day or evening.  If you DO NOT wish to be contacted please provide the following information to your child's school.

Request to be Removed for the Emergency Calling System

Student’s Name



Parent Name

Phone Number 

Parent Signature